8 years apart, same denominator; PRAYER!
5 hours of uninterrupted prayer and worship!!
23rd November @Alisa Hotel, Tema. Let’s go
‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ 1st Corinthians 2:9
There are wonders, opportunities, and blessings all around that we can never ever dream of. The thought of these wonders that God has prepared in store for us should fill us with excitement and daily gratitude instead of focusing on the present circumstances. But the extraordinary that awaits is the preserve of only those that have accepted God’s love for them. If you are yet to accept the Divine invitation to God’s love, then pause right there and ponder on John 3:16 ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’ then say this prayer;
‘Dear Lord, I admit that I am a sinner, I know that Jesus is your son who died for me and rose on the third, I ask that Lord Jesus, you come into my heart and rule in my heart and be my Lord and personal saviour, in Jesus Christ name Amen.’
Welcome to the ‘Wonders’ club, there is jubilating and excitement in Heaven just because you, whom God loves made this decision. Life as a Christian may not always be as you may expect but whenever things seem different than planned always in prayer and thanksgiving take a deep breath and know that God is saying that “You ain’t seen nothing yet, better and greater is coming.”
Your future is filled with surprises that are tastier, louder, and more heartwarming than you can imagine. Just keep praying and praising God and asking for His direction and know that He is always with you.
Core of the matter: God loves you and has amazing wonders in store for you.
Prayer: Father, I receive what you have purposed and planned for my life. In Jesus Christ name Amen